Education Perfect Maths Challenge
This month, the digital learning platform Education Perfect, sponsored by ANZ, ran a competition to solve as many maths questions in a 72 hour period.
This month, the digital learning platform Education Perfect, sponsored by ANZ, ran a competition to solve as many maths questions in a 72 hour period.
Over the last few weeks, we have been celebrating Maths Problem solving, perseverance and collaboration as students learnt to solve word problems at speed. The
This week, amost 450 of our students competed in the Northcross Mathex. Both year 7 and year 8 students completed this intense, fast paced competition
Tuesday 15 June saw 24 Primary schools bring over 240 students to Northcross to compete in our inaugral Junior Mathex Competition. In this fast paced
On Monday 19th October, we held our annual Northcross Mathex Competition. This fast paced maths problem solving competition pits class against class, team against team.
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