Parent/Teacher Interviews Term 2

Parent Teacher Interviews are being held at Northcross Intermediate on Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 May.

  • Wednesday 15 May: School will close at 1pm to facilitate these ‘in person’ interviews which will be held in your child’s learning space.
  • Thursday 16 May: These interviews will run from 3:30pm and are for online interviews where parents/whanau are unable to come in to school.

These interviews are to talk to you and your child about how they have settled in to Northcross and their learning and progress so far this year.

Our buses will still depart at 3:00pm on Wednesday 15 May 2024.  We will be offering supervised childcare for bus students from 1pm until 3:00pm. If your child needs to remain at school until 3:00pm for the buses, please complete the form below:

My Child will need care between 1 and 3pm on Wednesday 15 May

Interviews can be booked by going to and entering the school interview code: qycxw

Next, select your child’s room number and the time that suits you best. Our ESOL teachers Fiona Lander and Annette Thomas, Head of Inclusive Learning Tess Blockley and Gary Wood will also be available – you can book an appointment with them by following the link.

Please Note: Our Technology Department will be open Wednesday 1:30 – 5pm if you and your child wish to have a look around and talk to our Technology team.

The Senior Leadership Team will be available should you have any questions.
