Over the last week, all year 7 students spent an hour listening to John Parsons talk about keeping themselves safe online, on social media and with digital technology. They learned about the rise of online bullying, the damage being unsafe online can do to reputations and peoples lives. Students were surprised by the fact that anything deleted never really is and heard about the value of protecting their online and in-person identity. John gave us some great advice to pass on:
Protective factors for parents
- For younger children, turn off all ICT at 7.30 pm.
- Don’t give them social media until they are old enough to be in it.
- Maintain access to the child’s platforms by creating the passwords for them.
- Nominate trusted family members to join your children online and form a protective circle around them.
- Create open lines of communication with your children.
- Regularly look at their mobile phones.
A question I ask parents to ask their children “Have you ever bullied anyone?” It is essential to talk to children about the risks. Let them know how much you love them when you have these conversations. Try not to judge them; try listing and looking at the world through their eyes. For more information on how to protect a child or young person from cyberbullying and online exploitation, go to: books by John Parsons: www.citizen21.co.nz/books