Keen kids at Kapahaka

I have been delighted to see lots of students attending our practises and learning a new waiata. There have also been new year 8’s attending. Its great that they have decided to give kapa haka a go in their final year at Northcross. Presently, the year 7’s are running through the waiata separate from the year 8’s, but as numbers start to fall away we will eventually combine. All Northcross students are welcome to attend the practise sessions and there has been no cut-off date or mention of ‘trials’, we want to see Northcross students giving things a go.

The year 8’s will participate in the Kaipara festival at Helensville primary school on March 25th.

Practise sessions for this will be on Friday 17 March and Friday 24 March, both from 1.30pm to 2.50pm.

Mark Jensen – Kaiako
