National Dance Challenge Competition 

On Friday 4th June, Northcross had 3 dance troupes (Hiphop, Jazz and Contemporary) compete at the National Dance Challenge at Westlake Girls High School. Our Y8 dance leaders choreographed these pieces of dance and spent countless hours working with their troupes to develop some quality performances. Students spent both before and during school rehearsing their routines to take to the stage.
The sheer determination and perseverance demonstrated learning these complicated routines was incredible to see, and they brought all their energy into their final performance on the night. It was a tough competition with plenty of other schools also bringing their all, but regardless, NX had the ultimate stage presence that had the crowd cheering.

3rd – Jazz (Poker Face choreographed by: Bianca Bothma & Taylor Christie from Room 10)
4th – Hiphop (Venom choreographed by: Bailey Le Maitre & Anika Rawiri from Room 49)
2nd – Contemporary (Rule the World choreographed by: Micah Hyde, Stella Chen and Holly Sutherland from Room 10)
Finally, a special ‘Outstanding Dancer’ award for Asher Whitehead from Room 10.
Overall, it was a successful night that showcased all the hard work that these students have been putting in over the last term.
Grace Malone – Dance Co-ordinator