With the ever changing media environment we are always looking at ways to better communicate and disperse information to our Northcross community. Our new newsletter, The NX Beacon, has been in development since the start of the year but got put on hold due to a little thing known as lockdowns. The NX Beacon will incorporate the most recent principal’s message, latest news and happenings, school and community notices.
Other tools of communication are still very much in use and each has its specific purpose:
The School Website: this will continue to be regularly updated with the latest information, providing detail and resources to families i.e. uniform prices, bus routes, BYOD requirements, sports draws and sporting information along with a range of content that is there to help students and parents navigate the 2 years at Northcross.
Our NX Facebook page: This page is not targeted to our students, it is our brag page to parents. The very latest achievements and happenings are posted up here in order for caregivers and parents to keep up to date with any sporting or cultural events as they happen.
This day Notices: A link to this is on our school website and is for students to check what is happening on a particular day. This is where staff post notices of trials, meetings, trainings and events. All students are encouraged to read through the notices before 8.55 each morning (Note: notices are usually submitted by 8.35am each day).
Spotlight Portal: for information specific to your child’s learning. Students regularly upload their learning for parents to view at home. This includes assessment summaries and teacher feedback at certain times of the year.
eTap emails: The school uses the eTap email system for regular classroom and schoolwide updates.